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Showing posts from November, 2017

WeChat Account Move to Another Mobile Phone.

WeChat Account Move to Another Mobile Phone. WeChat Account Move to Another Mobile Phone. ¶ If you want to move WeChat account to another mobile phone, then you need keep your origin WeChat APP in origin mobile phone until transform successfully. First, you should download and install new WeChat APP on the new mobile phone. Second, you use previous login method to sign in to WeChat, and then the WeChat will inform you need verify your account. WeChat will provide a QR Code. Third, the QR Code of the WeChat need use your origin WeChat of your origin mobile phone to scan the QR Code, and then origin WeChat will inform you transform double check dialog. If you decide transform to new mobile phone, then you can press "OK" button. P.S. You don't use other QR Code Scanner on other OS, otherwise, you will encounter an error message as below the screenshot. This error screenshot that QR Code Scanned then open ...
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Visual Basic 6.0 (VB6) 程式語言案例學習 (10. 條碼列印程式)


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Visual Basic .Net (VB.Net) 程式語言案例學習 (06. 題庫測驗系統)


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用10種程式語言做影像二值化(Image binarization)

Visual Basic 6.0 (VB6) 程式語言案例學習 (04. 人事考勤管理系統)


Visual Basic 6.0 (VB6) 程式語言案例學習 (07. 收據列印程式)


Visual Basic .Net (VB.Net) 程式語言案例學習 (03. 場地預約系統)
