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Showing posts from April, 2018

Seminar (English)

19th March 2016 11:40 AM ~ 12:30 PM Fu Jen Catholic University Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering A Behavior-Based Flame Detection Method On Real-Time Video Speaker: Mr. Lai Tai-Yu Speaking Language: Traditional Chinese (Mandarin) Seminar Detail (English Edition). 27th June 2008 ~ 28th June 2008 2008 (16th) Automation Conference Kaohsiung, Taiwan (R.O.C.) A Dynamic Face Detection Algorithm of Intelligence Video Surveillance , Traditional Chinese Edition. Speaker: Mr. Lai Tai-Yu Speaking Language: Traditional Chinese (Mandarin) Seminar Detail (Traditional Chinese Edition). 19th June 2008 2008 ETS (Electronic Technology Symposium) Kaohs...

Seminar - A Behavior-Based Flame Detection Method On Real-Time Video - Mr. Lai Tai-Yu (English)

Date: 19th March 2016 Time: 11:40 AM ~ 12:30 PM University Name: Fu Jen Catholic University Department Name: Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering Title: A Behavior-Based Flame Detection Method On Real-Time Video Slide: PDF Format . Speaker: Mr. Lai Tai-Yu Speaking Language: Traditional Chinese (Mandarin) Abstract: Some characteristics of flames, including vague shapes and fire-like colors, are irregular, so it is difficult to use a video camera for real-time flame detection. To achieve fully automatic surveillance of fires, a real-time incipient flame detection approach that uses three stages of video processing is proposed in this study. Firstly, a thumbnail method is applied to the flame image for the various resolutions for real-time processing. A median filter and a Gaussian filter are used to remove the image noise. The flame edge information in the image is then enhanced, using a sharpening filter. Secondly, quasi-...


2013/9/10 國立台北科技大學 陽光獎學金 我是兩篇會議論文的第一作者。因此,我獲得了陽光獎學金。 賴岱佑 、郭忠義、范姜永益、馬尚彬、廖翌涵,“ 在即時視訊監視系統上的強韌式小火焰偵測研究 ,” 英文版 , 第三屆國際生物創新計算和應用研討會 ,高雄,台灣,2012/9/26~2012/9/28。 賴岱佑 、郭忠義、劉建宏、吳岳偉、范姜永益、馬尚彬,“ 在複雜場景下的智慧型遺失和遺留物偵測演算法 ,” 英文版 , 電機電子工程師學會 計算機、消費和控制專題研討會 ,台中,台灣,2012/6/4~2012/6/6。 1999/12/3 第35屆中華民國國軍文藝金像獎漫畫類入選 中華民國陸軍 漫畫類入選獎 這個獎證明我有藝術設計的能力。 1998/6 華夏工專 電腦設計優等(87366) 我學習電腦修護的知識,並且我靠自學通過了電腦修護丙級證照。我是一個自我學習者,並且我教授電腦維修認證課程。因為我在電腦修護上表現傑出。因此,我獲得這個榮譽。 1998/4/28 微電腦系統設計比賽 機器量測類(1-1-005) 這份證明文件表示我有參加微電腦系統設計比賽。 1996/3/28 全國高中職技能競賽 電腦修護工 第十名 我靠自學。我參加台灣區全國高中技能競賽,並且我獲得電腦修護工第十名的榮譽。


2013/9/10 国立台北科技大学 阳光奖学金 我是两篇会议论文的第一作者。因此,我获得了阳光奖学金。 赖岱佑 、郭忠义、范姜永益、马尚彬、廖翌涵,“ 在实时视讯监视系统上的强韧式小火焰侦测研究 ,” 英文版 , 第三届国际生物创新计算和应用研讨会 ,高雄,台湾,2012/9/26~2012/9/28。 赖岱佑 、郭忠义、刘建宏、吴岳伟、范姜永益、马尚彬,“ 在复杂场景下的智能型遗失和遗留物侦测算法 ,” 英文版 , 电机电子工程师学会 计算器、消费和控制专题研讨会 ,台中,台湾,2012/6/4~2012/6/6。 1999/12/3 第35届中华民国国军文艺金像奖漫画类入选 中华民国陆军 漫画类入选奖 这个奖证明我有艺术设计的能力。 1998/6 华夏工专 电脑设计优等(87366) 我学习电脑修护的知识,并且我靠自学通过了电脑修护丙级证照。我是一个自我学习者,并且我教授电脑维修认证课程。因为我在电脑修护上表现杰出。因此,我获得这个荣誉。 1998/4/28 微电脑系统设计比赛 机器量测类(1-1-005) 这份证明文件表示我有参加微电脑系统设计比赛。 1996/3/28 全国高中职技能竞赛 电脑修护工 第十名 我靠自学。我参加台湾区全国高中技能竞赛,并且我获得电脑修护工第十名的荣誉。

Nagrody (Polski)

10 września 2013 r National Taipei University of Technology Scholarship I am a co-author of two conference papers. Therefore, I am awarded this scholarship. Tai-Yu Lai , Jong-Yih Kuo, Yong-Yi Fanjiang, Shang-Pin Ma, Yi-Han Liao, " Robust Little Flame Detection on Real-Time Video Surveillance System ," English Edition , The 3rd International Conference on Innovations in Bio-Inspired Computing and Applications , Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 26th September 2012 ~ 28th September 2012. Tai-Yu Lai , Jong-Yih Kuo, Chien-Hung Liu, Yue-Wei Wu, Yong-Yi Fanjiang, Shang-Pin Ma, " Intelligent Detection of Missing and Unattended Objects in Complex Scene of Surveillance Videos ," English Edition , IEEE Symposium on Computer, Consumer and Control , Taichung, Taiwan, 4th June 2012 ~ 6th June 2012. 3 grudnia 1999 r 35th Taiwan Army Literature and Art Award Taiw...

Award (English)

10th September 2013 National Taipei University of Technology Scholarship I am a co-author of two conference papers. Therefore, I am awarded this scholarship. Tai-Yu Lai , Jong-Yih Kuo, Yong-Yi Fanjiang, Shang-Pin Ma, Yi-Han Liao, " Robust Little Flame Detection on Real-Time Video Surveillance System ," English Edition , The 3rd International Conference on Innovations in Bio-Inspired Computing and Applications , Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 26th September 2012 ~ 28th September 2012. Tai-Yu Lai , Jong-Yih Kuo, Chien-Hung Liu, Yue-Wei Wu, Yong-Yi Fanjiang, Shang-Pin Ma, " Intelligent Detection of Missing and Unattended Objects in Complex Scene of Surveillance Videos ," English Edition , IEEE Symposium on Computer, Consumer and Control , Taichung, Taiwan, 4th June 2012 ~ 6th June 2012. 3rd December 1999 35th Taiwan Army Literature and Art Award Ta...


國際 微軟認證 , Azure Data Fundamentals (DP-900) ,證照號碼: H837-8914, 2021/6/1 微軟認證 , AI Fundamentals (AI-900) ,證照號碼: H798-3408, 2021/5/7 麻省理工學院線上微碩士課程 MITx - 6.86x 使用Python的機器學習-從線性模型到深度學習 , VALID CERTIFICATE ID: 3df3720136794b85b6d0d15ce2642c61, 2020/6/9 微軟專業認證(人工智慧) , Microsoft DAT257x Reinforcement Learning Explained,證照號碼:0c8bbe528d1f4e8dae7b15d5fba8b8d7 ,2019/11/30。 微軟認證 , Azure Fundamentals (AZ-900),證照號碼:H289-3622 ,2019/11/29。 微軟認證 , Azure Data Scientist Associate (DP-100),證照號碼: H239-5246 ,2019/10/4。 微軟專業認證(資料科學) , Microsoft DAT101x Introduction to Data Science,證照號碼:7de44e90fdcf443492517ec704e5bf77 ,2019/9/3。 微軟專業認證(人工智慧) , Microsoft DEV290x Computer Vision and Image Analysis,證照號碼:0B85270C-FAA8-4891-B4C7-238C5FFE03C0 ,2019/9/3。 微軟專業認證 , Microsoft DAT249x Ethics and Law in Data and Analytics,證照號碼:AC55D7D6-69AE-4658-87D6-594DA7532857 ,2019/9/3。 微軟專業認證(人工智慧) , Microsoft DAT236x Deep Learning Explained,證照號碼:14875...


国际 微软认证 , Azure Data Fundamentals (DP-900) , 证照号码: H837-8914, 2021/6/1 微软认证 , AI Fundamentals (AI-900) , 证照号码: H798-3408, 2021/5/7 麻省理工学院线上微硕士课程 MITx - 6.86x 使用Python的机器学习-从线性模型到深度学习 , VALID CERTIFICATE ID: 3df3720136794b85b6d0d15ce2642c61, 2020/6/9 微软专业认证(人工智慧) , Microsoft DAT257x Reinforcement Learning Explained,证照号码:0c8bbe528d1f4e8dae7b15d5fba8b8d7 ,2019/11/30。 微软认证 , Azure Fundamentals (AZ-900),证照号码:H289-3622 ,2019/11/29。 微软认证 , Azure Data Scientist Associate (DP-100),证照号码: H239-5246 ,2019/10/4。 微软专业认证(资料科学) , Microsoft DAT101x Introduction to Data Science,证照号码:7de44e90fdcf443492517ec704e5bf77 ,2019/9/3。 微软专业认证(人工智慧) , Microsoft DEV290x Computer Vision and Image Analysis,证照号码:0B85270C-FAA8-4891-B4C7-238C5FFE03C0 ,2019/9/3。 微软专业认证 , Microsoft DAT249x Ethics and Law in Data and Analytics,证照号码:AC55D7D6-69AE-4658-87D6-594DA7532857 ,2019/9/3。 微软专业认证(人工智慧) , Microsoft DAT236x Deep Learning Explained,证照号码:148...

Orzecznictwo (Polski)

Międzynarodowy Microsoft Certified: Azure Data Fundamentals (DP-900) , Cerification number: H837-8914, 1st June 2021 Microsoft Certified: Azure AI Fundamentals (AI-900) , Cerification number: H798-3408, 7th May 2021 MIT MicroMasters® Program, MITx - 6.86x Machine Learning with Python-From Linear Models to Deep Learning , VALID CERTIFICATE ID: 3df3720136794b85b6d0d15ce2642c61, 9th June 2020 Microsoft Professional Program in Artificial Intelligence (AI) , Microsoft DAT257x Reinforcement Learning Explained, Certificate Number: 0c8bbe528d1f4e8dae7b15d5fba8b8d7 , 30th November 2019. Microsoft Certified , Azure Fundamentals (AZ-900), Certificate Number: H289-3622 , 29th November 2019. Microsoft Certified , Azure Data Scientist Associate (DP-100), Certificate Number: H239-5246 , 4th October 2019. Microsoft Professional Program in Data Science , Microsoft DAT101x Introduction to Data Science, Certificate Number: 7de44e90fdcf44349251...
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