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Award (English)

  1. 10th September 2013
    National Taipei University of Technology
    I am a co-author of two conference papers. Therefore, I am awarded this scholarship.
    1. Tai-Yu Lai, Jong-Yih Kuo, Yong-Yi Fanjiang, Shang-Pin Ma, Yi-Han Liao, "Robust Little Flame Detection on Real-Time Video Surveillance System," English Edition, The 3rd International Conference on Innovations in Bio-Inspired Computing and Applications, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 26th September 2012 ~ 28th September 2012.
    2. Tai-Yu Lai, Jong-Yih Kuo, Chien-Hung Liu, Yue-Wei Wu, Yong-Yi Fanjiang, Shang-Pin Ma, "Intelligent Detection of Missing and Unattended Objects in Complex Scene of Surveillance Videos," English Edition, IEEE Symposium on Computer, Consumer and Control, Taichung, Taiwan, 4th June 2012 ~ 6th June 2012.

  2. 3rd December 1999
    35th Taiwan Army Literature and Art Award
    Taiwan (R.O.C.) Army
    Comic Art Class Selected
    This award proves I have art design skill.

  3. June 1998
    Hwa Hsia Institute of Technology
    Computer Design A+ (87366)
    I learn about computer repairing knowledge, then I pass the Class C skill category of Computer repairman certification by myself. I am a self-learner and I teach the computer repairman certification course. Because I have excellent computer repairing skill. Therefore, I awarded this honor.

  4. 28th April 1998
    Micro Computer System Development Race
    Machine Measurement Class (1-1-005)
    This license proves I have to join the Micro Computer System Development Race.

  5. 28th March 1996
    Taiwan High School Skill Race
    Computer Maintain Engineer 10th
    I am a self-learner. I am joining the senior high school skill race in Taiwan (R.O.C.) and I am awarded the computer maintain engineer 10th honor.


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