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How to Backup and Restore the Raspberry Pi SD Card?

How To Backup And Restore The Raspberry Pi SD Card?

How to backup and restore the Raspberry Pi SD Card?


We use the 'dd' command to backup and restore the Raspberry Pi SD Card. Normally, We use to 4M bytes to read and write at a time in backup and restore it. There are three parameters, including 'bs', 'if' and 'of'. The 'bs' means reading and writing up to BYTES bytes at a time. The 'if' means reading from FILE instead of stdin. I think you can imagine that it is an input file to read. The 'of' means writing to FILE instead of stdout. I think you can imagine that it is an output file to write.


Operation System: Ubuntu 14.04 LTS


The 'dd' can create a partition data into a file. So, we can backup whole partitions of an SD Card into a file. You need unmount whole partitions on the SD Card before you are backing it up. Default Raspbian installation has three partitions made on the SD Card, so we need to unmount whole partitions. To check which partition is mounted to which device, use 'df -h' and see the lines refer to as below.

# df -h
Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/root        29G  4.9G   23G  18% /
devtmpfs        215M     0  215M   0% /dev
tmpfs            44M  280K   44M   1% /run
tmpfs           5.0M     0  5.0M   0% /run/lock
tmpfs            88M     0   88M   0% /run/shm
/dev/mmcblk0p5   60M  9.6M   50M  17% /boot
/dev/mmcblk0p3   27M  397K   25M   2% /media/SETTINGS

Then unmount the corresponding folders. If your OS is Ubuntu, you should be into the folder/node (/dev) and then find out the three devices. As long as we are unmount three partitions and then we can use the largest partition name in the SD Card to backup it.

# cd /dev
# ls
autofs              loop4                  ram10   tty1   tty30  tty51      vc-mem
block               loop5                  ram11   tty10  tty31  tty52      vcs
btrfs-control   loop6                  ram12   tty11  tty32  tty53      vcs1
bus          loop7                  ram13   tty12  tty33  tty54      vcs2
cachefiles        loop-control       ram14   tty13  tty34  tty55      vcs3
char         MAKEDEV       ram15   tty14  tty35  tty56      vcs4
console            mapper               ram2    tty15  tty36  tty57      vcs5
cpu_dma_latency  mem                     ram3    tty16  tty37  tty58      vcs6
disk         mmcblk0            ram4    tty17  tty38  tty59      vcsa
fb0           mmcblk0p1        ram5    tty18  tty39  tty6       vcsa1
fd             mmcblk0p2        ram6    tty19  tty4   tty60      vcsa2
full          mmcblk0p3        ram7    tty2   tty40  tty61      vcsa3
fuse         mmcblk0p5        ram8    tty20  tty41  tty62      vcsa4
hidraw0           mmcblk0p6        ram9    tty21  tty42  tty63      vcsa5
hidraw1           net              random  tty22  tty43  tty7       vcsa6
hidraw2           network_latency     raw     tty23  tty44  tty8       xconsole
input                network_throughput  shm     tty24  tty45  tty9       zero
kmsg               null                     snd     tty25  tty46  ttyAMA0
log           ppp                     stderr  tty26  tty47  ttyprintk
loop0               ptmx                   stdin   tty27  tty48  uinput
loop1               pts              stdout  tty28  tty49  urandom
loop2               ram0                   tty     tty29  tty5   vc-cma
loop3               ram1                   tty0    tty3   tty50  vchiq

If the Raspbian of the SD Card has three partitions, including /sdc1, /sdc3 and /sdc5, you should pick up the largest partition that is /sdc. Thus, we have the 'if' parameter that is /dev/sdc. Now, we are just setting up the 'of' parameter. It is that you want to output file name. Normally, we are just giving it a unique file name, such as '~/Image.img'. So, we need check to your hard disk space that enough saves your image file. We haven't compressed it. Therefor, The SD Card size is the image file size. To follow this command-line that you can backup your SD Card, as below.

# sudo dd bs=4M if=/dev/sdc of=~/Image.img

I prefer uncompress to create this backup SD Card. Because I have enough free space in my hard disk. I can do the restoring process to wire it to the SD Card.

# soud dd bs=4M if=~/Image.img of=/dev/sdc

You can try to do it. To backup and restore your SD Card. If you have more and more backup image, you would be safe about your Raspbian OS and your applications. There is one thing worth notice. You shouldn't use different kind of SD Card to backup and restore. Because it is very important that different kind of SD Card may be made with different size. For example, There are two 32GB SD Card. The ADATA is only 31.9GB. Another is TDK that has 32.0GB. So, we can restore smaller size into a larger size. But we cannot restore larger size into smaller size.


Thank you (Ask Ubuntu) very much for this explain of the great tool.

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